Can our piloted digital solutions for S3 Monitoring support you?

Partner regions of the EmpInno Monitor S3 project tested and piloted digital solutions to improve the RIS3 Monitoring. While they served primarily as local-specific pilot, you can discover how our pilots from Riga/LV, Lubelskie/PL and Tartu/EE can inspire you to use their digital solutions for RIS3 monitoring.
Riga, Latvia
The digital solutions to improve S3 Monitoring are twofold and can be transferred to interested regions:
First, project partner Riga Planning Region further developed updated its interactive analytical platform that has been developed in the predecessor project EmpInno: The platform already assisted regional and municipal staff members with more practice-related knowledge on RIS3, its local implementation and potential growth and/or support areas. Furthermore, it supported the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia as part of the current administrative reform of Latvia. Among others, it displays dynamic information about “value added” (Pievienotā Vērtība), agriculture (Lauksaimniecība), industry (Rūpniecība), energy (Enerģētika) as well as Information and Communication services (Informācijas un Kominikācijas Pakalpojumi). Find out here:
Second, Riga Planning Region developed together with an external service company thematic maps and datasets to provide decision makers as well as stakeholders for RIS3 Monitoring with supportive material and deliverables. Under this link you can find cartographic material (in pdf-format) as well as source data (in excel-format) as guidance for applying a similar digital support tool: As download is also available “an analytical report on monitoring indicators for the achievement of the objectives of the Smart Specialisation Strategy in the planning region of Riga under the “EmpInno Monitor S3” project within the context of the First monitoring report for the Development Programme of Riga Planning Region 2021-2027”.
For more information on the project in Riga Planning Region or additional request for information you can visit or contact the project manager under
Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland
The Foundation for Lubelskie Development in cooperation with the Marshal’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship engaged in the development and testing of tools for direct contact with RIS3 stakeholders as part of RIS3 monitoring. Together they have developed a digital communication tool, the “RIS Closer to Us” module. The device is available at in Polish. The “RIS Closer to Us” module enables the management of questionnaires completed by RIS3 Stakeholders. It also contains information relevant to the achievement of RIS3 objectives, including information on current events (conferences, seminars, workshops, training), competitions, calls for proposals, legal regulations. More information is available:
The questionnaire for stakeholders is the basis for the RIS3 monitoring aspect in the “RIS Closer to Us” module. You can find an English translation of the Polish version here.
Tartu, Estonia
Tartu City and Tartu Science Park developed further a monitoring tool from the national statistics office Statistics Estonia (SE) by defining and adding 11 new business indicators to the SE dashboard (i.e one of the SE monitoring tools). It provides in-time visualised data about economic indicators in RIS3 key industry segments. This dashboard is also available in English:
In addition, they created a monitoring tool on Tartu City website that is showing various business indicators regarding city of Tartu. Some of these indicators are transmitted to the city website directly from the SE dashboard but the plan is to develop the monitoring tool on Tartu City website further so that relevant business indicators from other databases are seen there as well. This avoids interested parties from searching relevant business indicators’ info from different platforms and provides stakeholders as well as actors from the innovation ecosystem a basis for making RIS3-related decisions. The monitoring tool on Tartu City website is only available in Estonian at the moment but using the ‘translate’ function (e.g. in Chrome browser) allows the tool to be seen in any selected language.
For key learnings and further transferable experiences from all the local pilots please see the compilation of findings, in which you find the elaborated outcomes in a structured way for:
1. A process description and short contextualisation of the problem/need with regard to the monitoring of smart specialisation strategies
2. Results of what they have been doing to overcome challenges for RIS3 monitoring
3. Success factors and potential hindrances of their activities as well as
4. Experiences of the cooperation with the strategy owner.