Foundation for Lubelskie Development
The Foundation for Lubelskie Development is a non-governmental organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the Lubelskie Voivodeship by promoting the development of entrepreneurship and the knowledge economy. The Foundation’s offer is addressed to entrepreneurs and people interested in starting a business, local governments, rural residents (farmers and their families), and persons employed, unemployed and at risk of social exclusion. The Foundation offers them training, internships, consultancy services and job placement but also economic and financial consulting.
The Foundation is the leader of Lublin Eco-Energy Cluster. Through cooperation with entrepreneurs, communities, universities, research institutions and NGOs, the Foundation is the initiator and executor of activities (projects, concepts) associated with the development of the renewable energy industry and improvement of energy efficiency. The Foundation is the owner of the Business Incubator, which provides services for new start-ups and SMEs especially in the fields of renewable sources, energy efficiency, energy-saving buildings and IT technologies.
Foundation for Lubelskie Development
Fundacja Rozwoju Lubelszczyzny
43 Józefa Franczaka "Lalka" Street
20-325 Lublin, Poland
Małgorzata Gałczyńska, Project Coordinator

Information about the RIS3 of the partner region:
Regional level document: “Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020”
Legal owner: Lubelskie Voivodeship
Web: and
Key challenges for innovation policy
The Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020 elaborates in detail the Development Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020 concerning the development of research and innovation for smart specialisation. The strategy mission is to:
- Support the selective model of the Voivodeship development based on the creative innovation model, and
- Initiate the process of technological and non-technological transformation of endogenous development potentials leading to:
an increase of knowledge absorption capabilities and productivity of the economy (by 2020)
diversification of the economy structure
an increase of the share of industries and services with high added value and high growth potential in the economy (by 2030).
The economy of Lubelskie is dominated by low and medium-low technology sectors and the mission of the strategic development is to actively engage in technological as well as non-technological transformation of these sectors. As a diagnosis of the previous experience of the OECD countries shows, it should produce effects comparable to the effects of investments in the high technology sectors.
Smart Specialisation Areas in Lubelskie
Four areas of regional smart specialisation for the Lubelskie Voivodeship have been identified:
Medicine and health
Low carbon emission energy
IT and automation.
Main Objectives of the RIS3
The major objective of the RIS3 for the
Lubelskie Voivodeship is to build an effective entrepreneurial discovery
process for regional growth in the areas of highest potential as well as good
communication between the stakeholder groups that addresses the strategy’s
priorities (business, science and research, business environment and public
administration). The vision of development of the Lubelskie Voivodeship, as
specified in the Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship
2020, assumes that the region will:
- Effectively use its
endogenous potential
- Create products and
services with high added value
- Be open to innovation
- Cooperate and link with
the outside world both economically and scientifically.
Two priorities of the 2014-2020 perspective are essential for the implementation of the Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020:
Priority 1. Research and Innovation
Priority 3. Competitiveness of Enterprises.
For priority 1 the allocation of funding amounts to PLN 100,4 mln (4,5%) and for priority 3 it amounts to PLN 291,6 mln (13,07%). The specific objectives are strongly linked to cooperation between science and business sectors in order to: (1a) increase R&D commercialization activity, (1b) increase enterprise’s R&D activity, (3a) support SMEs’ development, (3b) increase of the share of international trade for SMEs, (3c) increase the use of innovation by SMEs.
Additionally, there are a few national programmes co-financed with EU funds that are dedicated to R&D support and SME competiveness:
Operational Programme Smart Growth 2014-2020
Operational Programme Eastern Poland 2014-2020
as well as programmes at the EU level (i.e. H2020, COSME).
The Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020 in Poland may also boost the competitiveness of enterprises.
Information about the RIS3 monitoring of the partner region
Regional Innovation Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship 2020 (RIS LV 2020) specifies the Development Strategy for the Lubelskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020 (DS LV 2020) in the section on the development of research and innovation for smart specialisation.
The RIS LV 2020 mission is in tune with the vision of the strategy, according to which in 2020 the Lubelskie Voivodeship economy should observe a significant increase of innovation potential. In 2020 the Lubelskie Voivodeship will also be a region which: (1) effectively uses its indigenous potential, (2) creates high added value products and services , (3) is open to innovation, and (4) cooperates and links with the outside world economically and scientifically.
The system for monitoring and evaluation exists in the Lubelskie Region and is conducted by the Marshall Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship with the crucial role of the regional stakeholders who supports the system with knowledge and information. The main elements of the RIS3 monitoring strategy which are actually under implementation are: general logic (contextual indicators), focuses, innovation process development and measurement, instruments and main outputs. The Marshall Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship is also analysing the access path of indicators. It is worth mentioning, that there is no strict cohesion between national RIS3 monitoring and the regional one. The national units monitor the situation in the regions based on the national needs based mainly on the public data resources. There was conducted a project: "ex-ante evaluation of a non-competitive project called "Monitoring of the National Smart Specialisation" of the Operational Programme 2014-2020 of Intelligent Development conducted by Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, however, the determined indicators and special information platform is under development.
Due to the fact that the RIS LV 2020 is one of the strategies supporting the implementation of DS LV 2020, the monitoring and evaluation system of RIS LV 2020 is an integral part of the monitoring and evaluation system of the DS LV 2020.
Similarly to the system for the DS LV 2020 monitoring, the system for the RIS LV 2020 monitoring is based on indicators described in terms of base and target values (available for 2014 and 2020/2030).
The most important indicators of the RIS LV 2020 monitoring defined at the level of the DS LV 2020 monitoring include:
• GDP per capita,
• labour market indicators,
• gross value added per 1 person employed in agriculture compared to the national average,
• the share of graduates in mathematics, natural sciences, technical and medical sciences per total number of graduates,
• the share of persons aged 25-64 studying and going through additional training in total population in that age group (adult continuing education),
• the share of spending on R&D activity in the region's GDP.
To refine such a generally defined monitoring system (which is based on 186 indicators), the research on information needs in the area of effective monitoring and evaluation of the Regional Innovation Strategy of the Lublin Voivodship until 2020 was conducted and a catalog of NACE codes which fits into the regional areas of smart specializations was defined. The results obtained in this way became the basis for launching the RIS3 monitoring system, based on the scorecard (which is a strategic management instrument that indicates what should be measured to best assess the effectiveness of the regional innovation system), covering the following categories of indicators: as aforementioned indicators defined in the RDS LV 2020, indicators of vision, indicators of priority, benchmarking indicators (connected with the advancement of the Lubelskie Voivodeship in the Regional Innovation Ranking), indicators of goal and indicators of good co-management index.