How to get more qualitative information from RIS3 stakeholders?

During the implementation of the EmpInno project, it was found that the existing systems for monitoring regional innovation strategies (RIS3) lack key qualitative information provided by end users, including innovative entities such as companies, R&D entities and other stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem. Responding to these needs, the Foundation for Lubelskie Development within the EmpInno Monitor S3 project has planned activities whose main goals are to develop new solutions and methods of obtaining information from end users (RIS3 stakeholders) in order to increase the quality and effectiveness of the RIS3 monitoring system.
In March 2020, the Foundation for Lubelskie Development carried out a procedure for the selection of providers for the development (design, implementation and launch) of the "RIS closer to us" module and for developing a mobile application functionally consistent with the module. The module will be created on the subdomain and will be used to managing surveys to be completed by users - stakeholders of the RIS3, such as: business environment institutions, research and development units, universities, local governments and entrepreneurs. A link to the module will be placed on the website of the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship - owner of RIS3. The basis for developing the module will be a survey, the content of which will be consulted during workshops based upon the design thinking method, which will be organized by the Foundation for Lubelskie Development in March and April, 2020. The workshops will be attended by experts from RIS3 interested parties: representatives of the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship, R&D entities, universities, business environment institutions, local government and entrepreneurs. Conclusions from the workshops and recommendations will be forwarded to the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship. They will be able to be used to: increase the quality and effectiveness of monitoring methods of RIS3 in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. During the implementation of the above tasks, the Foundation for Lubelskie Development will work closely with the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship, the owner of RIS3 in Lubelskie Region.
In March 2020, the Foundation for Lubelskie Development carried out a procedure for the selection of providers for the development (design, implementation and launch) of the "RIS closer to us" module and for developing a mobile application functionally consistent with the module. The module will be created on the subdomain and will be used to managing surveys to be completed by users - stakeholders of the RIS3, such as: business environment institutions, research and development units, universities, local governments and entrepreneurs. A link to the module will be placed on the website of the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship - owner of RIS3. The basis for developing the module will be a survey, the content of which will be consulted during workshops based upon the design thinking method, which will be organized by the Foundation for Lubelskie Development in March and April, 2020. The workshops will be attended by experts from RIS3 interested parties: representatives of the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship, R&D entities, universities, business environment institutions, local government and entrepreneurs. Conclusions from the workshops and recommendations will be forwarded to the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship. They will be able to be used to: increase the quality and effectiveness of monitoring methods of RIS3 in the Lubelskie Voivodeship. During the implementation of the above tasks, the Foundation for Lubelskie Development will work closely with the Marshal's Office of Lubelskie Voivodeship, the owner of RIS3 in Lubelskie Region.
Compiled by: Małgorzata Gałczyńska, Project Coordinator, Foundation for Lubelskie Development. March, 2020