Boost science-business cooperation with new instruments in Lubelskie

To increase the level of innovation and competitiveness of the region,
the Gov-Lab project
held a Demo Day in Warsaw, Poland. A designing team of the Lubelskie Voivodeship attended and worked on solutions for the region. During the event instruments were developed and presented for designing tools in the form of a public service being addressed to entrepreneurs.
In Lubelskie Region, the designed instruments shall improve the cooperation between science and business. It will be implemented as a public service, assuming measurable benefits for all partners involved in this process, i.e. direct results of science-business cooperation. In this way the new instruments will advance the smart specialisations in the Lubelskie Region. Therefore, the target group will be the entrepreneurs who base their activities on innovative solutions (technological enterprises), but also scientific units / research workers as well as local government administration units, associated with the Lubelskie Region. It will be a response to challenges in the area of incubation and transfer of innovation identified in the Region. These challenges consist of challenges of a strategic nature (involvement of scientific potential in the process of entrepreneurial discovery) as well as operational and environmental (combining Business and Technology Roadmap with an acceleration program).
During the Demo Day workshop, the designing team from the Marshal’s Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship presented a solution in the form of "Technological pilot". It is a solution based on the available resources of the Marshal's Office, including employees of the Business Lubelskie Branch. The technological pilot will have the task of diagnosing the technological needs of entrepreneurs and networking - connecting entrepreneurs with scientists who can support them in the implementation of diagnosed needs. This will also facilitate cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientists to support entrepreneurs in meeting their technological needs, which will help to use achievements of the science sector. This in turn will contribute to a greater use of the scientific and technological potential of the Region.
Gov-Lab is the next stage of supporting the Region's innovativeness planned in the RIS LV 2020 and initiated by pilot programs based on inspiration of good practices and testing new solutions in the environment of umbrella initiatives. According to the RIS LV declaration, the regional innovation laboratory, in the GOV-LAB formula, will serve "... a systematic search for solutions (directions and types of activities as well as specific projects) that will better adapt directions and interventions to the changing needs and challenges related to regional development of smart specialization areas." Bearing in mind how important the role in this process is entrepreneurial process of discovery (EDP) it is also a set of specific tools - instruments combining the supply and demand side of innovation. Bussines Model Canvas, QuickLook, DesignThinking, technology readiness maps (BTR), due diligence or proprietary solutions such as NLab (acceleration program under cooperation in the Lubelskie Voivodeship - Nevada) are solutions supporting entrepreneurs that require inclusion in the public service design process, which will serve to increase the level of innovation and competitiveness of the region.
During the Demo Day workshop, the designing team from the Marshal’s Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship presented a solution in the form of "Technological pilot". It is a solution based on the available resources of the Marshal's Office, including employees of the Business Lubelskie Branch. The technological pilot will have the task of diagnosing the technological needs of entrepreneurs and networking - connecting entrepreneurs with scientists who can support them in the implementation of diagnosed needs. This will also facilitate cooperation between entrepreneurs and scientists to support entrepreneurs in meeting their technological needs, which will help to use achievements of the science sector. This in turn will contribute to a greater use of the scientific and technological potential of the Region.
Gov-Lab is the next stage of supporting the Region's innovativeness planned in the RIS LV 2020 and initiated by pilot programs based on inspiration of good practices and testing new solutions in the environment of umbrella initiatives. According to the RIS LV declaration, the regional innovation laboratory, in the GOV-LAB formula, will serve "... a systematic search for solutions (directions and types of activities as well as specific projects) that will better adapt directions and interventions to the changing needs and challenges related to regional development of smart specialization areas." Bearing in mind how important the role in this process is entrepreneurial process of discovery (EDP) it is also a set of specific tools - instruments combining the supply and demand side of innovation. Bussines Model Canvas, QuickLook, DesignThinking, technology readiness maps (BTR), due diligence or proprietary solutions such as NLab (acceleration program under cooperation in the Lubelskie Voivodeship - Nevada) are solutions supporting entrepreneurs that require inclusion in the public service design process, which will serve to increase the level of innovation and competitiveness of the region.
In this way, Marshal's Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship will gather information on the support of the RIS3 monitoring system based on the above-mentioned activities.
Compiled by: Malgorzata Brodzicka, Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Lubelskiego w Lublinie, Departament Gospodarki i Wspierania Przedsiębiorczości, Lubelskie Centrum Badań nad Innowacyjnością. March, 2020.